What are Cookies?

A cookie is a small data file stored by your web browser on your computer. It allows us to recognise your computer by associating the identification numbers in the cookie with other customer information you have provided to us that customer information is stored on our secured database. We use cookies to keep track of what you have in your basket and to remember you when you return to our site. They can also tell us which website you came to us from.


Types of Cookies we use:

There are two main types of cookie that may be used during your visit to a Teewittwoo website: persistent cookies, and session cookies.


Persistent Cookies

When you first visit the Teewittwoo site, you see it in a default form. Persistent cookies remember your preferences and behaviour and help us to personalise your shopping. So, if the last time you visited, you decided that you wanted to shop the UK site in English and see prices in £s, that's what we'll show you persistent cookies remain on your browser until they expire automatically after a set time period, unless you delete them yourself.


Session Cookies

When you visit our site, a "session" cookie will remember you and your preferences in temporary memory. They will not collect and store information or personally identify you. Session cookies are deleted when you close your browser. Without session cookies, the site would forget which items you placed in your shopping bag and you wouldn't be able to buy anything.

Manaing Cookies In Your Browser

You can change your browser settings to delete or prevent cookies from being stored on your computer or mobile device without your explicit consent. The 'help' section in your browser should provide information on how to manage your cookie settings.